Author - Joshua Shapiro


Crystal Skull Connection Tour: The Australian Journey 2015 — (Entry #8)

CSC Tour Reports, May 19th - 21st, visiting Gosford, Egyptian Glyphs found on the rock, fly from Sydney to Brisbane, and then off to the Gold Coast for a public lecture -- continuing of a full reporting of this special crystal skull tour discussing my key experiences and happenings ... (Joshua)

LizPhoto-Skulls-with-view.jpg May 27, 2015 72 kB 472 × 629 Edit Image Delete Permanently URL

Crystal Skull Connection Tour: The Australian Journey 2015 — (Entry #7)

CSC Tour Reports, May 18th, visiting Blue Mountains near Sydney, the Alasenmat Healing Center in Leura where our hosts not only show us the beauty of this area but their collection of over 100+ crystal skulls. This blog has many many photos for your to enjoy our experiences of this day -- a continuation of the detailed reporting I am sharing of this special crystal skull tour discussing key experiences and happenings ... (Joshua)