Author - Joshua Shapiro


Crystal Skull Connection Tour: The Australian Journey 2015 — (Entry #6)

CSC Tour Report - May 15th - 17th, Events in Sydney (lecture and workshop), Sessions in Seven Hills, headed to the Blue Mountains, continuation of where I left off from previous reports, to discuss special experiences during this tour of Australia (Joshua)

Cairns Workshop May 10th

Crystal Skull Connection Tour: The Australian Journey 2015 — (Entry #4)

CSC Tour Report - May 9th - 11th, Private Sessions & Workshop in Carns, headed back to Brisbane by air and Tin Can Bay, acontinuation of where I left off from previous reports, to discuss special experiences during this tour of Australia (Joshua)

Crystal Skull Connection Tour: The Australian Journey 2015 — (Entry #2)

CSC Tour Report - May 2nd - 5th, a workshop and sessions in Melbourne, sighting seeing in Melbourne, fly to Brisbane and do a talk in Yadina, a continuation of where I left off from previous reports, to discuss special experiences during this tour of Australia (Joshua)