Author - Joshua Shapiro

Joshua Shapiro

Crystal Skull Connection Tour: The Australian Journey 2015 — (Entry #1)

CSC Tour Report - April 27 - May 1st, Beginning of Tour, fly into Brisbane, stay with Paulina the coordinator in her home in Tin Can Bay, fly to Melbourne and do a talk at a local conference, then work with our host Shirley and do a talk at a local community center, the beginning of an exciting journey to Australia to share about the crystal skulls .... (Joshua)


This lapus lazuli crystal skull, 6 lbs. was a gift from a member of our free on-line crystal skull newsletter which we call, "Unfolding of the Crystal Skulls". Wendy from the east coast, also bought a copy of our "Blue Skull" book and when she read a vision Joshua had when he was in Peru looking for a "Blue Skull", she felt this one had to come to us.


"Rosalita" is a 13 lb rose quartz, of two pieces as the lower jaw is separate from the top part. She was a gift to us from Skillus, one of the most well known companies in China for carver crystal skulls and one of their master carvers created "her". She came to us at the end of 2011 just as were prepared to do a coast to coast trip within the U.S.